Sope Creek Garden Club - Marietta GA


Organized April 27, 1947

Garden Club of Georgia,

Laurel District

Marietta Council of Garden Clubs

This is a very active garden club, centered in East Cobb County, Georgia.

see the floral designs at the Fair!

     In addition to numerous design and horticultural entries, the members serve in horticultural classification, placement, and clerking.  Each year, the club brings home hundreds of ribbons and awards.

  • Members developed two gardens at McFarlane Nature Park in East Cobb County and participated in establishment of the McFarlane Meadow.

 - A nectar garden surrounds the active bee hive at the park, providing nourishment for the resident bees and educational signage about the bees and plants for visitors. Master Gardeners recently replanted this area.

 - A Memory Garden is home to native trees and shrubs that like "wet feet", and are planted in memory of members no longer with us.

Memory trees are planted at McFarlane Nature Park.  (click for larger images)

The  North Georgia State Fair flower shows, sponsored by the Marietta Council of Garden Clubs, are a busy two-week project for our members who were active participants, filling the roles of

  • Schedule & Classification chair
  • Judges, Clerks
  • Horticultural Placement

op art 

Go to the photo links  to see images from
 Floral Design classes

Visit the
Nectar Garden at McFarlane Nature Park

Join Us!

See photos of the  flower shows at the North Georgia  State Fair.

Sope Creek has had lots of winners!


Meetings are held at the Marietta Educational Garden Center
505 Kennesaw Ave,
Marietta GA
1st Wednesday each month
September through June

Sep 4

First meeting of the new year.

Yearbooks will be distributed with schedule for the remainder of the year.

Oct 2


Nov 6


Dec 4

Member Holiday Lunch


Our club members support garden clubbing.  Sope Creek members have been President, Recording Secretary and Education Chairs of the Marietta Garden Club Council, and trustee for the Marietta Educational Garden Center.

To get information about joining the Sope Creek Garden Club or attending a meeting, email